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Why Children Need Quality After-School Options

Why Children Need Quality After-School Options

  • News

American school-aged youth actually spend a larger percentage of their weekly waking hours in discretionary activities than they do in school.

That’s why today’s policymakers, educators, and parents are recognizing the need for after-school programs.

But it’s about more than just providing after-school options: according to research by the Campaign for Educational Equity, there is a growing emphasis being placed on how after-school programs can and should help promote children’s growth and development. [1]

After-school programs need to serve multiple purposes. There is no doubt that after-school programs are an effective way to keep children safe and supervised. But they can also help expose children to socially and culturally enriching experiences. [2]

According to information publication by Education Week, experts also believe that the after-school hours are a perfect opportunity to further engage students in academic, social, and physical activities. [3]

In fact, studies by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network show that quality after-school opportunities have positive effects on academic success, social behavior, and provide opportunities for enrichment to kids. [4]

iKids U understands the positive impact that can be made on today’s kids, when they are given the opportunity to learn, have fun, be active and creative… even after the school day ends.

Wouldn’t you like to be able to make this kind of positive impact in YOUR local community?

Contact us today to learn more about our franchise program!






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